Our involvement with the Champaign County GIS Consortium affords us a valuable interactive tool that current residents, potential developers, real estate brokers, and others can utilize to find a myriad of information.

     Want information on a particular parcel? You can get dimensions, the PIN, the subdivision name, and of course the zoning. You can also use this tool to see flood zones, find parks, check street names, and identify whether a property is inside the Village limits or outside the limits. Hint: the Village can only zone land in its corporate limits. No zoning? it’s in the County. And the 2011 aerial photo layer can be turned on as well so you don’t have to use Google Maps to get a bird’s eye view.

     Explore the Interactive Public Map. If you still have questions, contact the Community Development Department, 217-586-4456.



The data has been derived partially from coverages provided by the Champaign County GIS Consortium (CCGIS). The data is provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. The Village of Mahomet and CCGIS make no warranties, guarantees, or representations as to the suitability or accuracy of this information for your purposes or that this map is without defects. These are not lot or parcel boundary maps. Zoning districts may not be co-incident with lot or parcel lines.  


 Custom Printing Sizes                             Unit Prices  

   Legal Size (8 1/2" x 14")                              $ 2.00

   Legal Size (8 1/2" x 14")                              $ 3.00

   Tabloid Size (11" x 17")                               $  4.00

   ANSI D Size (36" x 24")                               $  13.00

   ANSI E Size (48" x 36")                               $  20.00


To request a print copy or for other mapping questions, contact Community Development /Planning at:  217/586-4456 ext. 123.