Appointed Commissions

If you are interested in serving in an appointed capacity, in case of a vacancy, please complete the application and submit it to the Village Office at 503 E. Main Street.  Thank you.  Click here for the application.

Plan and Zoning Commission
Robert DeAtley, Chair
Mike Buzicky
Steven Briney
Bob Buchanan
Philip Schaefer
Mandi Simeone

Chad Graham


Board of Appeals
Aaron Blythe 

Josh Jessup
Eric Kraft
Lisa Peithmann
Jared Ernst
Alex Kocher


Tree Commission
Emily Kroner
Bruce Colravy
Gary Kling

Board of Fire and Police Commissioners
Mark Griffen
Thomas P. Petrilli
Keith Willis

Mahomet Music Festival Commission
Dave Parsons
Theresa Berry
Carole Tempel
Mahomet Building Code Review and Appeals Board
Lori Johnson
Chuck Thompson
John Koller
Matt Nelson
Brian Andersen
Mike Strom
Jeremy Janes
Patrick Brown - Village ex-offico member
Mahomet Police Pension Fund 
Ryan Rich
Carole Tempel
Kevin Beckett
David Parsons