Things you should know prior to installing your mailbox. Click Here for Diagram
- No permit is required for placing mailboxes in the right of way.
- The resident is required to follow all of the information below.
- The United States Post Office does have specific regulations relating to proper installation of residential mailboxes. Click Here
- Brick mailbox structures are prohibited.
- Mail box post must meet USPS regulations.
- Any mailbox that doesn't meet USPS regulations could be considered dangerous and result in denial of mail delivery.
- Any existing mailbox that doesn't meet USPS requirements could be denied mail delivery.
- Please contact the post master with any questions relating to mail delivery.
- Prior to mailbox installation call J.U.L.I.E. @ 811.
- In most cases curbside mailboxes are located in public right of way, not on your private property.
General Inquiries
Please contact us at 217/586-4456 ext. 123 or by and you will be directed to the appropriate staff member.