Community Electric Aggregation Notification

Village of Mahomet Community Electric Aggregation Notification


In June 2023, Village of Mahomet residents and small businesses received a letter notifying customers of a change in the rate for our electric aggregation supply charge through Energy Harbor. Residents who do not want to continue to participate in our Community Electric Aggregation program will need to return the included post card to “opt out”, otherwise you will automatically continue to be enrolled. As part of the aggregation program, our contract provides for two opportunities for a re-evaluation of the capacity adder charge portion of the rate. The first opportunity is for July 2023 meter read dates and the next opportunity will be July 2024 meter read dates. It was anticipated we would see a reduction in the capacity adder charge. The capacity charge has dropped from 2.35 cents/kWh to 0.106 cents/kWh. This means our new electric supply rate beginning with July 2023 meter read dates will be 9.96 cents/kWh (9.85 cents Base + 0.106 cents Capacity Adder Charge). This is a reduction of 2.24 cent/kWh just in time for the hottest summer months. 


The new rate will be fixed until July 2024 meter read dates, at which time the capacity adder charge portion will again be re-calculated. Residents will again receive the notification and opt-out opportunity in June 2024. The notification letter shows a TBD price for the July 2024 meter read dates through the end of the contract; December 2024 meter read dates. This is because the capacity adder charge is not determined yet, however the base price of 9.85 cents/kWh is fixed.  


Ameren has published their new residential rates (JUNE 1, 2023 - SEPTEMBER 30, 2023), so the price to compare as of June 1, 2023, is 8.162 cents/kWh (7.877 cents Base + 0.285 cents Purchased Electricity Adjustment). This Ameren price is subject to change and historically has changed. Participants in the Community Electric Aggregation program is a locked in fixed price for the next year. If you opt out of the Community Electric Aggregation program you are locked out for a period of one year.



View the letter and new rates