All work must be completed within an appropriate time frame, exceptions will be at the discretion of the Building Inspector
Permit fee must be paid in full before any work or inspections are performed.
Application must be APPROVED prior to any installation.
Comply with all applicable Village ordinances.
All work must be completed within an appropriate time frame, unless an exception is granted at the discretion of the Building Inspector.
Construction of the structure must comply with the 2015 International Residential Code and adopted amendments.
Right of Way (ROW) – Is portion of the yard that extends from the property side of the public sidewalk through the grass/approach to the road surface.
Maximum width at the public right of way line/sidewalk is 30 feet.
Driveway Approach
Maximum width of the approach is 30 feet at the public side of the sidewalk/public right of way line and at the curb line.
Flare cuts
Maximum width of approach measurement is from the top of flare cut to top of flare cut.
2 foot maximum. 1 foot minimum.
If you are pouring a public sidewalk as a part of the construction of the driveway it must be separate from the driveway with 3/4" expansion joints and be 6" thick.
Approach - The portion of the drive that abuts the sidewalk and/or the street must be 6" thick. ***Additional requirements vary depending on the zoning of the property. ***
Lot Pins - It is the responsibility of the contractor or property owner to locate your property pins to ensure the driveway is located entirely on your property.
Covenants - It is the responsibility of the contractor or home owner to obtain Architectural Review Committee APPROVAL.
Easements – Builder is responsible for knowing where any easements might be located and Type of easement.
Lot Pins - Need not be located.
It is the responsibility of the contractor or home owner to obtain Architectural Review Committee APPROVAL. Speak to the inspector or your HOA to determine what limitations apply to your property.
Adequate notice for inspections: 24 to 48 hours. (Same day request may not be honored)
Plan review
Stake out
Grading Statement:
As applicant of this permit, I certify that I will maintain proper grading.
All swales shall be cut to assure proper drainage and flow.
In no case shall the building site be at such an elevation that proper slopes cannot be maintained.
Obstructions to the flow of water to or from adjoining lots or inlets are not allowed.
The grading shall not destroy any lot pins, Village sidewalks, and/or utility easements.
What can be placed in the right of way?
Driveway approach
Ditches ( think open storm pipes)
Do I need to find my lot pins?
Potentially if the building inspector needs to verify location.
Single Frontage Lot
Multiple Frontage Corner Lot
For more information about your property lines visit Champaign County’s GIS program: