Click here for the latest news concerning many different type of recycling available to you
in Champaign County. This website has valuable information concerning
electronic recycling opportunities, household waste disposal, landscape waste opportunities
and other types of recycling.
Two collection events are being planned this Spring for residents of Champaign County:
• IEPA-Sponsored One-Day Household Hazardous Waste Collection event on
Saturday April 15, 2023, 8:00-3:00 at the State Farm Center. Must register for the event.
• Residential Electronics - NONE SCHEUDLED AT THIS TIME.
Electronic Recycling Information
Household Recycling Options:
Recycling Drop Off Center
We accept only the following items at our Recycling Drop Off Center:
- Cardboard
- Magazines
- Newspaper
- Office paper
- #1-#7 Plastic bottles
- Tin food cans
- Aluminum cans
- Aluminum foil/pans
Unlike our curbside recycling pickup we DO NOT accept any glass at our Recycling Drop Off Center.
We do not accept: garbage, styrofoam, plastic grocery bags, plastic toys or plastic items not marked
with the recycling symbol. For drop off we do not accept commingled materials or “mixed paper”. Items
MUST be separated. There is a container for newspaper/magazines/catalogs and a separate container
for office paper/junk-mail. Plastic bottles #1-#7 can be placed in the same container, but that is separate
from the one for tin and aluminum cans.
PLEASE DO NOT MIX RECYCLABLES when using the drop off site.
Drop off Location:
Drop off containers are located on the south side of our Recycling Center at 420 Paul Ave. in Champaign.
(See the map on our Contact Us page) We recommend you take Wilbur Avenue to Fifth Street and then turn
left on Paul. Containers will then be on your right hand side.
Items for drop off should be cleaned and placed in their designated containers.