You are making an investment in your property. We are happy to assist you in mitigating your risks for improper placement and non-compliance.
Fences must:
Be fully contained on your property.
Not interfere with underground infrastructure or surface storm-water drainage.
Meet ordinance requirements for height, openness, materials and method of installation.
How tall can my fence be?
It depends where on your property the fence will be located in relation to the sidewalk/street, your property lines, your main house, and the zoning of your land. Fences in “front yards” have to be shorter and cannot be “privacy”. Generally residential fences cannot exceed 6 feet in height. In the front yard the limit is 4'.
What type of lot do I have?
Corner lots are considered to have two front yards for the purposes of these fencing regulations.
Interior or single frontage lots have only one street frontage.
Single Frontage Lot
Multiple Frontage Corner Lot
Where can I put privacy fence panels?
The ordinance calls for the transition point between allowed fencing types and fencing height to be at the established front yard which is determined by the placement of the house.
Privacy fence panels can only be in side and rear yards.
Fences in front yards (corner lots have two front yards) must be at least 50% open and no taller than 4'.
Do I need a fence permit?
New fences or new post holes to expand an existing fence.
More than 50% of the posts are being reset.
More than 50% of the sections/panels are being replaced.
Repair of existing fences that were constructed without a building permit.
NO –
If it was constructed with a permit from the Village and doesn't exceed 50%to be repaired/replaced.
Replacement of less than 50% of the posts or panels.
Weather damage can and should be immediately repaired with no changes to the footprint of the existing fence.
What inspections do I need?
Stake out Inspection with the property pins exposed.
Final inspection. No one needs to be present for this inspection.
Property owner or Fence Company's Responsibilities
Check with your HOA/POA to verify the fence you intend to install is permitted in your subdivision.
Properly fill out the application and submit to the Community Development Department with all required information and attachments including a drawing of your property showing the fence placement (distances) in relation to lot lines and existing structures is required.
Wait for contact by the Community Development Department before proceeding with material ordering/delivery. Do not start your project before your permit has been approved. The permit will be issued at the stake out inspection.
Call J.U.L.I.E. at 811.
You accept risks of placing your investment in easements.
We recommend that you place your fence back from your property line at least 6 inches. In case the property pins were “bumped” during construction of the house or utilities.
To properly maintain your fence, you will want to consider setting it far enough into your property to not trespass on your neighbor’s property while performing the maintenance.
Each property can have its own unique constraints so call us at 586-4456 ext. 123 if you have any questions. We will be happy to help.
For more information about your property lines visit Champaign County’s GIS program: