All work must be completed within a reasonable time frame for your solar project. Extensions will be at the discretion of the Building Inspector.
Permit fee must be paid in full before any work or inspections are performed.
Application must be APPROVED prior to installation.
Comply with all applicable Village ordinances.
Construction of the structure must comply with the 2015 International Residential Code and adopted amendments. Along with the 2014 National Electric Code.
Installer and Property owner must sign the application.
Solar panels can only be installed on the main structure and properly permitted accessory structures.
PLANS SUBMITTAL Provide scaled plans showing:
Aerial photo of lot showing all buildings that arrays will be placed.
Size, and use of all accessory structures that panels will be placed.
LINE DIAGRAM Provide a line diagram showing all that apply:
Operating Voltage
Operating current.
Maximum system voltage.
DC grounding system specified.
Short-circuit current.
Disconnecting means specified.
Rapid shut down.
Inverter specified.
Specify main service panel bus bar rating and main breaker size.
AC grounding and system grounding shall be specified.
Location and type of rapid shut down.
Array configuration.
Array wiring
Number of modules in parallel
Number of modules in series
Total number of modules
Indicate the total square footage of the solar panels.
Combiner/junction box identified.
Cut sheet for the Main Service Panel or picture showing the UL number for the panel.
PV Module information manufacturer specification sheet.
Provide inverter manufacturer specification sheet.
Total weight of the newly proposed assembly
Will a battery system be used in conjunction with the PV array.
Provide mounting hardware manufacturer specification information.
Provide details of photovoltaic panel mounting hardware attachment to the roof framing members.
Any equipment not within the line of sight of the meter head shall be labeled on an engraved red plastic background with white lettering.
“Warning. Electrical shock hazard. The direct current circuit conductors of this photovoltaic power system are ungrounded but may be energized with respect to the ground due to leakage paths and/or ground faults.”
“Warning. Electrical shock hazard. The direct current circuit conductors of this photovoltaic power system are ungrounded but may be energized with respect to the ground due to leakage paths and/or ground faults.
“PV system- DC disconnect, operating current, max. system voltage, operating voltage, short circuit current.” (Accessible location).
“If a ground fault is indicated, the normally grounded conductors may be energized and ungrounded.”
“Warning. Electrical shock hazard. Do not touch terminals. Terminals on both the line and load sides may be energized in the open position.”
“PV system - AC disconnect rated AC output current amps, AC normal operating volts.”
Dual sources: Second source is Photovoltaic.
Permanent directory or plaque providing the location of service disconnecting means and photovoltaic system disconnecting means, if not located at the same location.
Provide structural engineer statement showing.
Load Calculations,
The roof structure can with stand the additional weight and forces.
Describe the roof structural elements and type of roofing. (i.e., Truss, Rafter, Shingled. Compound)
After all work is complete, call the Code Compliance Dept. at 217-586-4456 ext. 123, to schedule the final inspection.