Clerk's Office

The Village Clerk


The Village Clerk is appointed by the Village President, with the concurrence of the Board of Trustees. The duties of the Clerk can be found in the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) and also in the Village of Mahomet Code of Ordinances.


The Clerk's duties include: 

Preserving and maintaining all official permanent records for the Village, including such documents as ordinances, resolutions, contracts and other documents pertaining to the administration of the Village of Mahomet;
Keeping of the Village Seal which is affixed to all official documents after the Village Clerk certifies and attests to official signatures;
Attending all Board and Study Session meetings and records, maintains and preserves the Minutes of each;
Acting as the Freedom of Information Officer (FOIA) for the Village;
Issuing garbage licenses, and solicitation permits;
Administering Oaths and Affirmations upon all lawful occasions;
Serving as the Local Election Official; and
Providing notary service.


If you have additional questions, contact  Dawn Mohr, Village Clerk at 217.586.4456 ext. 120 or by email at